Oh No! It’s annual performance appraisal time again. If you’re a manager or work in a human resources department, you may have thought this – whether you say it or not. Performance appraisals seem such a waste of time. You say, “I meet with my direct reports when issues arise; why do I have to complete an appraisal?” We all know that Annual Performance Appraisals Don’t Work!
It is natural to feel this way, because to date, many managers have not experienced any benefits from those performance appraisals that they completed. One of the main reasons will be that you have been completing your appraisals annually. So you will tend to focus on the previous few months and often forget about the good things that were accomplished earlier in the year. Or you may only be able to focus on that one mistake that negatively impacted your area of responsibility. Either way, both you and your direct report lose out.
Through Talent Chaser’s evidence-based process, we have learned that if performance appraisals are completed quarterly, then both the manager and the direct report remain focused, achieve targets, and vastly improve their relationship. Even though initially managers think that quarterly appraisals will be terribly burdensome (because they have way too much to do already and so do their team), they soon learn that quarterly appraisals are more effective and lead to great benefits. The manager and the direct report look forward to the time they spend together working on more accurate and actually helpful appraisals. Everyone wins!
With the help of the Talent Chaser Appraisal module, the quarterly one-to-one session between the manager and their direct report are guided by 10 Performance Factors. The manager and direct report will discuss how well each of those areas are being performed and they are able to get into the detail of what is needed to achieve success in the specific organizational role at that particular time.
Each quarter, as job challenges and situations change and grow, Talent Chaser’s Performance Factors guide the appraisal process to ensure that at the end of the next quarter, goals are achieved or tweaked to accommodate real issues that have impacted their job responsibilities over the last quarter.
Quarterly Performance Appraisals work and save much time and frustration!
- Issues are addressed.
- Task Actions are assigned.
- Communication becomes more effective and accountability is made clear.
- There are fewer chances for time to be spent on actions that will not lead to set objectives.
- Mistakes are caught earlier and fixed.
- Corrections are put in place to eliminate similar errors in the future.
- Best practices are built and confidence and strong interpersonal relationships are the outcome.
Once performance appraisals are completed, the direct report is able to make a greater contribution and the manager is able to delegate more effectively. This gives the manager more time to fulfill their strategic role and manage more effectively.
Improve your organization’s performance appraisals! Contact us for a demonstration of the Talent Chaser HR Software — the first evidence-based recruitment, retention, and daily staff management solution for organizations of all sizes.
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